Former Foreign Secretary to Gordon Brown's Government, David Miliband, argued the UK may have a difficult time maintaining the special relationship with the US. While speaking to Channel 4 and Matt Frei, Mr Miliband argued the UK will have to show strength to match the EU's post-Brexit. He noted the UK should not attempt to undermine the relationship between the US and EU as the President, whoever it is, will likely side with the EU.
Mr Frei said: "It is basically over and done with, whoever gets into the White House."
Mr Miliband replied: "It all depends on what the British Government does.
"If the British Government comes to the table with ideas, resources and alliances then we have got an important role to play.
"But if we come with none of those things, I am afraid Washington will look to places where they see real power being exercised."
Mr Miliband highlighted the importance of Britain maintaining its prowess on the world stage post-Brexit.
He added that the relationship is further complicated by administrations having to deal with the issue of COVID-19.
He said: "The preemptive concern of a new administration, whether it be Donald Trump or Joe Biden, will be coronavirus.
"There is an overwhelming foreign policy interest in the question of China and American relationships with that.
"Therefore the role of the European Union as an international setter on trade as a new movement for decarbonisation is going to command real interest.
"If the UK pits itself against that European effort or tries to separate America from it, or is seen to be undermining prized gains like the Good Friday Agreement, it will get a very clear answer from Washington."
Mr Miliband also argued the UK should not be panicked if it appears that Joe Biden becomes president, despite some scepticism.
He said: "I would be very surprised if there is panic as there is nothing anti-British about the Biden team.
"But they are serious people and they are going to be looking at where power lies in Europe.
"They are going to be conscious of Anglo-American cooperation but they will see Britain is consumed by its own issues.
"They will also see it is detached from the European Union which is pursuing some policies in respect of the environment most notably which will resonate with the proposed Biden plans."