Well... here it comes... “The Trump Accountability Project”
The new website says: “We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically. But those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.”...
As it turns out the Trump accountability project claims to have shut down. Even as a Democrat, I find that hard to believe. Nothing like this ever goes away, once a list is created it's there forever. And I don't believe for a second that whoever is behind the project would be satisfied with 4,000 slices of the pie when there are 73,000,000 to be had.
Tim T4 year ago
There will be plenty of people on that site who end up in prison via the regular channels, that's going to highlight how important it is that people do not get away with their crimes just because they are wealthy, or have dirt on someone powerful.
Bad day for republicans.
Steven, N14 year ago
If they're talking about it.... its already happening.
And to think the FBI or the DOJ would do anything about it means your clearly still half asleep.....
These guys are part of the swamp trump wanted to drain. IT WAS A NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TASK BUT HE WAS CLOSE TO GETTING IT STARTED.
THIS PROJECT WILL START THE SECOND CIVIL WAR. Shut these people down immediately!!!
Ted Zink4 year ago
I have started the moron accountability project. Congratulations! You have been voted president! No there were no fake mail in ballots you one all on your own.
Mary Pumphrey4 year ago
The Trump Accountability Project is hate speech and discrimination masquerading as justice. The developers of the Accountability Project demand Americans not discriminate against them, while they assemble a list of names and harboring the illicit desire to hurt the people on the list. The Project wants to use the political influence it has to turn a spotlight on the people they have judged deserving punishment for choosing a political opinion that does not match the vision or opinion of the members of the Trump Accountability Project. Well, in America, it is against Federal Law to discriminate against anyone based on their sex, race, religion, national origin, or political affiliation. To assemble, target, and circulate a list of names, targeting people this Accountability group wants to discriminate against, in all aspects of American life is the most egregious violation of America's anti-discrimination laws. For the people assembling this list, the FBI and the Justice Department should bring the full power of our Justice System against them for targeting a specific group of individuals demanding they receive some type of discriminatory punishment simply because they were employed during President Trump's term in office or believed in fiscal accountability. Americans are not to discriminate against them because of their political ideology. If someone had put together a list of names of the people organizing The Trump Accountability Project they would be highly insulted because that too is discrimination. Discrimination against anyone is never appropriate behavior. The Project's members' circulation of this list of names is not legal either. Moreover; to threaten retaliation against any organization that might employ or associate with someone on the list of the condemned is even more disgusting. For people who demand they receive equal justice under the law, while they set in motion a plan
to discriminate against someone else is the absolute height of hypocrisy.
Jerry Louisiana4 year ago
This is the party that Joe Biden represents. How in the world can Biden make people believe that he wants unity when democrat organization like this exist. 71 million people voted for Trump so this stupid organization is wanting to remove 71 million people from this nation effectively and remove their voice and citizens. The democrats can't even be happy when they win this is so shameful.
Dakota Spencer4 year ago
Who’s going to pay for all those expensive socialist programs if you purge half the country ?
Scott4 year ago
The people who started this and/or cooperate with it in any way shape and form, are traitors to the United States of America and need to be treated as such.
Debbie4 year ago
Democrats want socialism/communism. Without the foundation that America was built on it will no longer be Free, it will no longer be the United States of America.
WE ARE, “One Nation Under God”!
🇺🇸The United States of America is God's country. This is a promised land, choice above all other lands. The inhabitance of this land is subject to living under God or will be swept off. ...Our founding fathers only helped God make this country possible he alone is responsible for the founding of America. Dec 23, 2014 ~unknown
Tom4 year ago
With the Democrats, it's the Trump accountability web site, with Hitler, it was his little black book. History repeats!