Put your best foot forward - Make sure that you are fully prepared for the new school year. Ensure that your back-to-school supplies, like notebooks and pens, are in order, including special items like aprons or geometry sets.
Goal Setting - Set goals that you want to achieve this year. Make sure your goals are SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. This can act as a checklist throughout the school year to make sure that you are staying on target with your studies.
Change perspective - Make going back-to-school a positive experience. Focus on the new opportunities, learning experiences and friendships you will nurture. How you view back-to-school can go a long way in shifting your mindset about beginning a new school term.
Nail your routine - Develop a routine and stick to it! Not only do routines help you maximise time, but they also help to reduce anxiety about upcoming school days.
Rest Up - An adequate night’s sleep goes a long way in affecting your mood. The more sleep you get, the more focused and prepared you are to face the next day. A good way to increase the quality of your sleep would be to have a cut off time for using electronics at night, as these have been shown to disrupt sleeping patterns.
Be mindful of your diet - Improve your mood by embracing healthy practices. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables as part of a balanced diet and be sure to consume the recommended amount of water in order to stay hydrated.
Plan ahead to stay ahead - Using a planner or scheduling app is a great way to stay on top of your upcoming workload or manage extra-curricular activities and study time. The key to effective studying is to be organised. This helps you to keep track of your deadlines and goals. This becomes extremely important when preparing for exams like CSEC and CAPE.